What a ‘majority’ says

October 3, 2018 Articles, Letters
Letter to the Globe & Mail (October 3, 2018) The Coalition Avenir Québec won a majority – 74 of 125 seats – in Monday’s election, but the results are a far cry from voters rejecting old-line Liberals and the Parti Québécois. Indeed, the Liberals and PQ together amassed some 41 per cent of the popular vote, more than the about 37 per cent garnered by the CAQ, which won just two ridings in Montreal. If anything, the election demonstrated again the “tyranny of the plurality” in the first-past-the-post system, which not only wastes the votes of many people, but also makes possible inane outcomes. It is time to incorporate some element of PR in our electoral system. Kai L. Chan, Montreal Article as it appeared online. © Copyright 2018 The Globe and Mail Inc. All rights reserved.

Smart robots set to test management skills

October 1, 2018 Articles, Media / Op-ed
Published in MEED 30 SEPTEMBER 2018 11:58 AM In the second part of our series on managing intelligent machines, Aiowala’s Kai Chan looks at the challenges faced in creating a thriving AI ecosystem in the Gulf. Link to article (requires subscription). Click here for full article. © MEED MEDIA FZ LLC Company number 18693 (Dubai Creative Clusters Authority) Registered address: C/O GlobalData Plc., John Carpenter House, 7 Carmelite Street, London, EC4Y 0BS, UK  

Living in Dubai

September 13, 2018 Articles, Letters
A letter to the Princeton Alumni Weekly (PAW) IN RESPONSE TO: VOICES: ‘A DEEPLY INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE’ There are many misconceptions and a general lack of knowledge of the Middle East by those outside of the region. It was thus refreshing to read Paulette Singley *98's take on her experience at the American University of Sharjah. I spent over five years in Dubai, having recently relocated (back) to Canada. Though the UAE -- of which Sharjah and Dubai are among the seven emirates that make up the federation -- are remarkably different than the rest of the Middle East, living there definitely opened my eyes to gain a better appreciation of that part of the world. Although there are serious issues in the neighboring countries, the UAE, and in particular Dubai, is a modern and liberal society with a highly diverse population that also counts a thriving Princeton alumni community. In my time in Dubai, there was no shortage of boozy parties or women dressed in seductive clothing. Most ironically, and a testament to the diversity and dynamism of the UAE, is that I now play less ice hockey and at a lower level while living in the Mecca of hockey (Montreal)…

Staying ahead of smart robots

September 1, 2018 Articles, Media / Op-ed
STAYING AHEAD OF SMART ROBOTS Published in MEED Business Review Sep 2018 With the advent of artificial intelligence, managers will need to learn how to oversee smart machines. Click here for full article. © MEED MEDIA FZ LLC  

Parlez-vous polyglotte?

August 24, 2018 Articles, Media / Op-ed
Isabelle Paré, 24 août 2018 (Le Devoir) Ici, on se brûle la langue régulièrement. La partie de sumo à laquelle se livrent le français et l’anglais sur le ring cosmopolite de Montréal figure toujours, pour tout politicien sensé, en haut du palmarès des sujets à fuir comme la peste en campagne électorale. Là où la polémique du « Bonjour-Hi » est devenue une affaire d’État, le sujet fait invariablement exploser le baromètre de la sensibilité collective et fait l’effet du poil à gratter sur le délicat équilibre du vivre ensemble. Mieux vaut donc tourner sept fois l’organe de l’élocution avant de causer diversité linguistique. Or, il en est que la dualité linguistique n’égratigne pas, ou prou, voire ennuie comme un cheveu sur la langue par sa banalité. Toute une délégation d’ici et d’ailleurs converge cette semaine vers Montréal, une légion entière de poly-amoureux des langues qui auraient volontiers vendu leurs chemises pour être nés aux temps bibliques et se faire citoyens de la tour de Babel. Nouba polyglotte Montréal accueille ces jours-ci le LangFest, un rendez-vous qui réunit pour la première fois dans la métropole des polyglottes du monde entier, des athlètes de la diphtongue qui collectionnent les langues comme d’autres les…




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