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Lunch with Tetsu and Joey / Dîner avec Tetsu et Joey

July 27, 2018 Articles, Media / Op-ed
The below is an interview I did with the organisers of LangFest. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVjgOx7o0iw #LangFest18 www.kailchan.ca Our special guest this week is the man who created the Power Language Index, Dr. Kai Chan.

Diversifying Canada’s most diverse parliament

June 1, 2018 Articles, Media / Op-ed
By Anna Desmarais. Published on Jun 1, 2018 3:00pm (The Weekender Weekender 22 2018) Even after Canada elected its most diverse parliament ever in 2015, there is more work to be done to ensure that the Green Chamber is representative of the Canadian population at large. In 2015, Canada elected its most diverse Parliament ever — but experts say more can be done in the upcoming election to encourage various forms of representation in the Green Chamber. The 42nd Parliament is represented by 47 visible minority MPs from various cultural backgrounds and 10 Indigenous MPs, smashing the previous record of 28 and seven MPs belonging to each respective group. [caption id="attachment_3636" align="alignleft" width="212"] Ziad Aboultaif became the first Lebanese member of Parliament when elected as the Conservative representative of Edmonton—Manning in 2015.[/caption] One of the new faces to emerge from the 2015 election was Conservative MP Ziad Aboultaif, a prominent Lebanese business-owner representing Edmonton—Manning. Aboultaif decided to run for office to give back to the country he now calls home. On October 19, 2015, he became the first Lebanese member of parliament to represent a riding in Western Canada, winning a decisive victory with 47 per cent of the vote. “It…

The Nordics are among the world’s 10 smartest countries – most likely to ‘produce the next Google’

August 17, 2017 Articles, Media / Op-ed
Tom Turula 17 Aug 2017 10:48 AM [caption id="attachment_3510" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Spotify Press Photo[/caption] Sweden, Finland and Denmark are very well-positioned to foster the big ideas of tomorrow. This according to the Intelligence Capital Index (ICI), compiled by Distinguished Fellow at INSEAD, Kai L. Chan, who gauged four parameters – education, creativity, cognitive skills and attractiveness for skilled immigrants – to determine the smartest countries in the world with the best innovation potential. The ICI was published by INSEAD Innovation & Policy Initiative Sweden tops the Nordic countries at sixth place, tightly followed by Finland and Denmark on 9th and 10th spots. The top ten is otherwise populated by European and North American countries, with the exception of Australia and Singapore. Chan notes that the Nordics have “typically high scores on the aspects of attractiveness for immigrants and creativity.” The ranking pins Sweden as the world’s most creative country, followed by Finland and the U.S. “Creativity should be part and parcel of any measure of human capital. Rote learning and memorisation are fast losing value in an era increasingly relying on computers and robots,” writes Chan, who used the Global Creativity Index and countries’ ratio of R&D expenditure-to-GDP as creativity proxies. Denmark excelled with the quantity and quality of its elite education (5thand 9th in…

Най-умните държави в света

July 14, 2017 Articles, Media / Op-ed
Кои са страните, които могат да родят следващия Google Когато Сергей Брин е на 16 години, а семейството му вече живее в САЩ от 10 години, баща му го взима със себе си на кратко посещение в Русия. Годината е 1990, а Съветският съюз е пред разпад. На втория ден от пътуването тийнейджърът вече е наясно какъв живот е можел да има при други обстоятелства. Бъдещият съосновател на Google дърпа баща си настрани и откровено му казва: "Благодаря ти, че ни изведе от Русия." Макар от тогава да мина много време и Русия да се възстанови, младият Брин спечели лотарията с гражданството си. С израстването си в САЩ той получи достъп до страхотно образование и среда, която подхранва начина му на мислене. Като дете учи в Montessori, което стимулира креативността. По-късно е в "Станфорд", където се среща с Лари Пейдж и заедно двамата основават един от най-скъпите брандове в света. Историята на Брин показва как при правилната среда образованието и креативността може да доведат до трансформативни иновации в глобалната икономика на знанието. Блестящият му ум щеше да се представи добре навсякъде, но интелектуалната и предприемаческата среда в "Станфорд" позволява разгръщането на пълните умения на Брин. Така, около тези параметри беше…

Lebanon ranks 100th in Intelligence Capital Index

July 14, 2017 Articles, Media / Op-ed
Countries capitalise on the knowledge economy to advance Published: 16:59 July 14, 2017 Joseph A. Kechichian, Senior Writer Beirut: Lebanon, which frequently boasts of its unique education capabilities ranked 100th with a low score of 16.9 [or simply a D] in the Intelligence Capital Index. The first Arab country on the list, the UAE, closed in at the 49th spot, followed by Qatar (60), Saudi Arabia (62), Kuwait (63), Bahrain (65), Oman (76), Jordan (80), Tunisia (85), Morocco (94), Egypt (98), and Algeria (103). Kai L. Chan, a distinguished fellow at the French-led INSEAD global business school, published the unique Intelligence Capital Index for 128 countries that aimed to gauge the ability of countries to capitalise on the knowledge economy by assessing their environments for education, creativity and talent attraction. The first five countries in the INSEAD roster were the US, UK, Germany, Australia and Singapore. Israel came in at 25, Turkey at 54 and Iran at 82. Most of issues that motivated rankings were related to education creativity and talent attraction, and while Lebanon certainly enjoyed the talent, most of its gifted innovators succeeded abroad instead of thriving in their native land. The INSEAD barometer focused on each country’s…




These are the world’s most powerful languages:

Research Documents (pdf)

Intelligence Capital IndexPower Language IndexImmigrating into the workforceCanada's Mosaic Ceiling

Presentations (pdf):